The City’s Affordable Housing Ordinance requires housing developments to contribute to the City’s affordable housing stock, and has helped produce more than a thousand affordable homes for low-income and moderate-income families in Livermore.

The City of Livermore uses a range of methods and sources, including the affordable housing “in-lieu” fee/commercial impact fees to pay for and support affordable housing. These fees represent the share of the cost in mitigating the need for affordable housing created by new development. 


Developers are required to set aside a portion of a market rate housing project’s units as affordable or offer alternative methods of complying with the requirements, such as paying an Affordable Housing In-Lieu fee.    


Commercial, office and industrial are also subject to a commercial impact fee which can be found on the City’s fee schedule.   

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Frequently Asked Questions

How long has the City of Livermore had an Inclusionary Housing Policy?
What types of projects trigger the on-site requirement?
Where can I find the residential development requirements?
What are the price requirements for Inclusionary Homes?
What are the alternatives to providing on-site units?
How are the affordable housing fees calculated?
Are there any exceptions?